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Health Project

Eid Celebration & Covid_19 Vaccination Awareness Event - RBKC

July 13, 2022

Eid was celebrated this year with the COVID-19 pandemic in its third year hence the need to refocus efforts to increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination and ensure that individuals are protected.

Raising Awareness

KSO and RBKC have partnered to educate the BAME community and build confidence around the COVID-19 vaccine as part of one of the UK government’s public health education campaigns. The goal was to ensure the BAME community has the most accurate information possible to get them educated on the vaccines and, ultimately, feel empowered to make an informed choice for themselves and their families.

Outstanding Partnership

We are also thankful to Venture Community centre for providing us with a venue to organise the event. Hence, our team was thrilled by the opportunity and look forward to continue serving the changing needs of our BAME community.

The successful event created awareness amongst the diverse RBKC communities through an appeal to their desire to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Reaching out & engaging with diverse BAME community members.

Our communities deserve equitable access to COVID-19 vaccine information. It is vital vaccine educational awareness becomes an integral part of our community to accelerate recovery from the UK’s severe Covid-19 crisis.

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